I was invited to write a post about personal information management (in Finnish) to the blog of HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management. This particular area of research and practice is interesting from many different point of view. It has huge practical relevance for all of us and same time the management and coping with our own things is an elementary part of successful information work on personal and organisational level. In a sense, PIM is something in which we should be able to distill the huge corpus of research findings from information management, information behaviour and knowledge organisation studies into as simple and practical applications and procedures as possible. It is easier to be complex and go on with complicated solutions on organisational level, but on individual level, it if far more difficult to make something half-finished to work at all.
Read the post in Finnish at http://www.haus.fi/ajankohtaista/kuukauden-asiantuntija/valtiotieteen_tohtori-tutkija-isto_huvila-omat_tiedot_hukassa/