@incollection{129, author = {Isto Huvila}, editor = {Gertraud Koch}, title = {Archive}, abstract = {In the contemporary society, archive is a common metaphor of memory and permanence and it can refer to a collection of old files and web pages at the same time as it has a specific, rather different meaning in the context of the keeping of formal archives. This chapter brings together formal and informal understandings of archive and explicates how understanding of this particular cultural technique and a practice of collecting, preserving and making materials available helps us to unravel something very fundamental of the underpinnings of the aspirations to digitise and keep digital artefacts in the contemporary society. }, year = {2017}, journal = {Digitisation: Theories and Concepts for Empirical Cultural Research}, pages = {40–52}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {London}, language = {eng}, }